HI !
Saturday, February 8, 2014 • 8:59 AM • 0 comments

Well yeah. I decide to write because i will not be able to put into words what i'm feeling now. Full of hatred. Let me pen down from A-Z the reason why i'm already there(Hate Limit). As i realize this message will never find you or if you ever did, it will be many years from now. But its enough to let you know that i'm soooo in HATE with you.

I super hate you. My first reason is because you were stupid to share my vids that i made special for you to your 'friend'. I mean like apakah ? Oh okay kau cakap sebab kawan kau dah tahu everything. Well ya know what ? i don't believe it. I don't even know why. I'll just follow my instinct. But then i still forgave you for that and still managed to calmed the fuck down and keep telling myself that what happened between you guys, its nothing. But don't ever shared personal things which related to me to other fucking people ! You might think i'm stupid enough to believe you. But i don't. I have this FEW fucking reason why its hard to believe it. that includes when you write her name on your tweet. The other reason which i can't write it on here cuz it'll probably embarrassed you even more. Your reason ? To makes me hate you. Well yeah congratulations. You did it.

Apart from that, i forgave you. But i guess you never stop.

So then today while i was scrolling around my instagram. I, then suddenly remember about you. Which i haven't seen you around. Later then i found out you and that BITCH were following each other. Wow. Just wow. And your motive is ? This is where my hate limit is reaching the top of it. I'm speechless. I'm livid. I was so angry. But what the hell can i do ? you were never even mine. Why bother ? Mind you. I'm not in the situation where jealousy is all over me. NO. Fuck whatever you wanna do. Fuck whoever you wanna date. But what the hell happened to your words "Takkan nya lah i berkawan dengan dia balik, MEMANG TAKLAH.". Oh okay. That words were gone too. Just like you did. Its sooo not called jealousy. Its soooo called, FUCK YOUR WORDS. If you happened to befriended with her back, FUCK YOU too. and yeah, i know for sure you both contact-ing through phone too. EVERYDAY. There's 100% possible and i'm 100% sure about it. What can i conclude ? Congrats for both of you. and no. Aku takda niat nak halang kau nak berkawan dengan siapa2. I hate you because you turned into everything you said you'd never be. Tapi seriously, janji kau dulu macam tahi. and you know how much i hate her. and now kau back to her arm. Wow. Just wow. Good betrayal here.

and for these ? Enjoy the ride.

There are a lot of things i wanted to say like how much i hated you for cheating on me and how heartbroken i was. But this one is important. I FUCKING HATE YOU. And i'll never ever forgive you this time. I don't even know why kau follow aku kat twitter, instagram. I just don't get it. Oh maybe i do. Kau nak aku tengok how can you make me to hate you. You want me to see how happy you are. How happy your life. How happy you are dengan those girls. If it yes, please. If you ever read this, kau boleh start unfollow aku now. Sebab sumpah demi ALLAH. Aku benci kau sampai mati. I don't even need to see all those thing yang kau buat semata mata nak sakitkan hati aku then benci kau. Yes kau berjaya. Are you happy now ? I hope you do. Then go fuck yourself.

I heard your sorry so many times. But then, YOU'RE NOT SORRY. You even said that, if aku benci kau, kau terima. Dah lama pun kau terima. Dafuqqq was that ? Are you completely insane for saying that ?! Its like kau memang nak aku benci kau so that bila kau buat itu ini semata mata kau nak sakitkan hati aku and buat aku benci kau, kau akan rasa puas. WOW. Just WOW again.

From now on. Aku dah tak kenal kau. Like seriously, if i happened to meet you kat tepi jalan mana mana, sumpah aku cakap. I will deny your existence. Kalau aku jahat masa tu, insyaAllah, middle finger aku mungkin naik depan muka kau. Whatever your intention is, please stop niat kau nak buat aku benci kau sebab kau dah berjaya. Serius. Bukan benci yang sebarang benci. SUMPAH DEMI ALLAH, KAU ORANG FIRST DALAM CARTA PALING AKU BENCI. I wish i can hit you. And i guess the last time when we met, i hit you over again when you were laughing at me because i thought public drink-water as one of the science thing at petrosains is the last one.

I'm enjoying my time when i nearly broke my wrist but you weren't there. I'm enjoying my hell working days. You only find me when you saw me mumbling at twitter. If you didn't ? Sampai bila bila kau takkan tahu cerita aku. But i thank you for that 30mins of story-sharing. That 30mins OF 1month and half. But now, seems kau dah jumpa berkawan balik dengan teman cerita/teman mengadu kau dulu. Bergembiralah dengan 24hours story-sharing/Morning/Goodnight text/on-call and so on. I hope you two have fun. I will then dissapear forever in your life. Congrats.

You can never lied to me again. Tipulah kalau kau cakap kau tak contact dia through phone. You're a first class cheater. I don't even think you realise half this shit. and you probably never will truly get it. I'm done being nice to you.

You were the best thing that walked into my life, but also you have brought me the greatest pain and betrayal i have ever felt. I will not forgive you sampai bila bila. And even bila aku mati nanti. Thats how i can conclude how much i hate you for the action you took. Thank you for your attention.

Yaya Norhan. Baran. Braces. UiTM-ians. Follow me on TWITTER
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